
Our group brings together about thirty people of different age, starting with teenagers and finishing with people well in their thirties. We have one girl within the male company and you may also find a father with his son in the group. We are devoted to ultras activities: we actively participate in fan life, we organize displays at the Łazienkowska stadium and during away matches. We do it all to the credit of our club, Legia Warszawa. Any political or social views are individual to each of us. We are politically neutral as a group. The thing that joins us is the love to Legia and the will to act. Our activities are financed from the monthly contribution of group members and the support of other fans and occasional sponsors (including money transfers to our banking account).
It is hard to describe the history of Cyberf@ni group in a few words. Like all internet based groups we met in the net. Not once we watched the matches standing man to man at the stadium or traveled to away games, but it was the Internet which gave us the possibility of a closer contact. At the beginning, the integration of Legia fans in the net had a social nature; some knew each other from IRC talks, some were active players on a discussion forum devoted to football, and some were average internet surfers. First, the ircers met, then all Internet users connected with Legia were brought together. In time, a group of people separated from this generality; they wanted more than just contacting each other. We wanted to act in credit to Legia and actively participate in our fan society life; we wanted to become an ultras group. That is how Cyberf@ni, the first real ultras group in Poland, came to life. Our name originated from the Internet, which helped us to organize, even though today our group includes people who do not use this media. It was 1999.
We directed our ideas mainly towards match displays at Łazienkowska. It was us to give berth to the mass scale usage of serpentines in Poland. We caused that different pyrotechnic elements like volcanoes or stroboscopes appeared in Polish stadiums. Since the Valencia match our speciality became colorful cardboard displays. Despite that we organized numerous flare shows, as well as displays consisting of volcanoes, fireworks, confetti etc. Our activity does not stick within the stadium gates. We organized poster action which aimed to "popularize" our neighbor, who suffers from a serious illness: the lack of fans. First, there were billboards, which appeared in the city a day before the derby match. At one stroke we organized an advertising campaign for Polonia, a soda producer and a sanitary facilities manufacture. We designed posters promoting the Warsaw derby held at our stadium twice; we flooded the capital with them. We also make efforts to be active at the away matches. Since the foundation of the group there was no game outside Warsaw at which no group representative would show. We have also been where we were unwanted like in forbidden Wronki, Olsztyn or ever closed Chorzów stadium.
Since May 2001 a characteristic flag appears together with us. It attended all our travels since then: Ettelbruck, Boras and Valencia in 2001 as well as Skopje, Barcelona, Utrecht and Gelsenkirchen in 2002. It also showed at some Polish stadiums.
Our main plan for the future is building a better and better atmosphere at Legia. We want displays at Łazienkowska to have no mach in the country. Besides that, we will also make efforts towards promoting our club in every possible way. Our aim is a sold-out stadium and a climate worth the real pride of the capital.